Combined 10 Bank Exam Result 2023: The Combined 10 Bank Examination has been held on Friday 10th November 2023 and the result will publish in this month. 10 Bank MCQ Examination 2023 has been held for the post of Senior Officer. The authority took the examination nicely and fairly. Combined Ten Bank MCQ Examination Result will publish soon. We have known through Bangladesh Bank authority, the result will publish within 7 days after finishing the exam. As soon as the Combined Ten Bank exam result will publish, you will find it on our website.
Combined 10 Bank Exam Result 2023
The candidates who have participated in this MCQ exam, they can easily download the PDF file of Combined 10 Bank Exam Result 2023 from our website. So when the result will publish, come to our website and download the PDF file. The examinees will be able to see their result from this PDF file. So this PDF file is very important for the examinees. We collect the PDF file of Combined 10 Bank Exam Result 2023 from their official website and share with you. So the PDF file of this result is 100% accurate.
Also, if you want to download the PDF file of result from the official website of Combined 10 Bank then go to the link provided below. It all depends on you. Also in this post, we have described when the Combined 10 Bank Exam Result will publish and how to see the result. So read the full post.
Ten Bank Senior Officer Result 2023 Information | |
Name of Organization: | Combined 10 Bank Under Bangladesh Bank. |
Circular Year: | 2021. |
MCQ/Preliminary Exam Date: | 10 November 2023. |
Total Vacancy: | 922. |
Total MCQ Exam Candidates: | 169879. |
Total MCQ Questions: | 100. |
MCQ Result Published Date: | 28 November 2023. |
Written Exam Date: | 08 December 2023. |
Result Check Link: | |
Authority: | Bangladesh Bank. |
Combined 10 Bank Senior Officer Result 2023 PDF
Combined 10 Bank Senior Officer MCQ Exam Result 2023 will publish through the official website of Bangladesh Bank. The Combined 10 Bank Examination 2023 has conducted by Bangladesh Bank. And these bank is under in Bangladesh Bank. So we hope that the result will publish in this week. The candidates who have participated in this exam, it is good news for them. As soon as any official news of Combined 10 Bank Result 2023 will publish, we will update through this post.
Total 169879 candidates has participated in Combined 10 Bank Senior Officer post exam 2023. We will know after publishing the result that the authority will select whom for the next exam. Till then, you have to keep patience. Total 100 marks of MCQ Exam has been held for the post of Senior Officer.
Those who selected among these candidates will participate in the next examination. We know from the circular of Combined 10 Bank that total vacant posts for the Senior Officer are 922. All the participant candidates are eagerly waiting for their result.
Check Also: DWA Exam Result 2023.
Combined 10 Bank Exam Result 2023 PDF Download
Now we will know how to download the PDF file of Combined 10 Bank MCQ Exam Result 2023. The PDF file of any job exam result is very important. Through this PDF file, all candidates can know their result. So, everybody should know how to download the PDF file of any job exam result. At present, in the era of Information and Technology, by sitting home anyone can know any kinds of result. For that, you need only a device and internet connection.
Combined 10 Bank MCQ Exam Result will publish soon through website. Also, the 10 bank MCQ Result will be available on our website, If you face any kinds of problems at the time of seeing the result let us know quickly. We will solve your problem. Let’s go to know the easy method of seeing the Combined 10 Bank MCQ Exam Result 2023.
- At First, Go to the Bangladesh Bank Official Website.
- The BB Official Website is
- Check the Exam Results and Notice Section.
- Click the Combined 10 Bank Senior Officer Exam Result Link.
- Now Enter Required information such as User ID and Roll Number.
- At last click the Check Result button and get your result.
Combined 10 Bank Senior Officer MCQ Result 2023
However, all participant’s candidate of Combined 10 Bank MCQ recruitment test will not get the chance to participate in next exam. Only the passed candidates of MCQ examination will get the chance of participating for the next exam. Combined 10 Bank Limited publishes the result in PDF format.
As soon as the result will publish anyone can download the PDF file from the website of Combined 10 Bank. Combined 10 Bank exam result 2023 PDF file download link already we mentioned on our website. Just click the mentioned link and download your Ten Bank Exam Result 2023 PDF file.
Combined 10 Bank Senior Officer examination, primarily held on five subject of total 100 marks. Those who have participated in this exam, they surely benefitted. Also, here negative marking system is available for the wrong answer. That’s why all candidates should refrain from giving a wrong answer. Because 0.50 marks is cut off for each wrong answer from the right answer.
We have assumed that it is possible to pass for the Combined 10 Bank MCQ Examination 2023 if you give the correct answer of almost 70 out of 100. We described how to download the Combined 10 Bank MCQ Exam Result 2023 PDF file.
Ten Bank Senior Officer Written Exam Date
As we know that, Combined 10 Bank is fully conducted and controlled by Bangladesh Bank. So it is fully reliable and do job in this sector is a matter of honour. Only the candidates who are passed in the MCQ recruitment test, they will be able to get the chance to participate in the next step written exam. So go to our above-mentioned website link and download the PDF file of the result and check your roll number.
10 Bank MCQ test has already been held and next written and viva exam date will publish soon. So if you will pass in the MCQ recruitment test then take preparation for the next step exam. Check our website regularly for the Combined 10 Bank Exam Result 2023 PDF.
Last Words
We already mentioned the Combined 10 Bank Exam Result 2023 details information above in this article. Also, you will know 10 Bank Senior Officer MCQ Exam Result 2023. You will be able to know different kinds of job exam result through our website.
In our website already described how to see the result from the official website, besides our website. So all the participant candidates of Combined 10 Bank Exam 2023 stay connected with us to know the exact date of publishing the result and download the PDF file. If you have any other question, let us know through comments. Also, if this post is helpful share with your friends and relatives so that it will be beneficial for them.