Prostate Problems

Prostate Problems: What is Prostate? The prostate is an organ of the male reproductive system. It looks like a betel nut. It is located under the bladder around the urinary tract. This organ solves the critical work of the male reproductive system. You know that the work of the male reproductive system is to make sperm and deliver those sperm to the right place. Sperm float in a fluid called semen. A large part of the semen comes from this prostate gland. Semen helps to keep the sperm alive and mature them.

Discussion About Prostate Problems

Now, the subject we will discuss is the prostate problem. Prostate problems are challenging to understand for ordinary people. This is mainly because as boys age, the flesh around the urethra usually begins to grow after age 50. The flesh surrounding the urinary tract is called the prostate. The prostate problem occurs after 50 years. Many times this disease is not easily recognized by the patient. They think that the speed of urination has decreased due to age or they have difficulty in holding urine. But it is not so. It is a disease. Prostate problems are a major urological problem.

Various Diseases of Prostate Problems:

The prostate gland can be affected by various diseases such as:

  1. Enlargement of the prostate gland. It is called prostate enlargement. In medical terms, it is called BPH.
  2. Bacterial infection in the prostate or prostatitis.
  3. Another disease is prostate cancer. These three diseases mainly occur in the prostate.

Enlarged Prostate Problems

When the prostate is enlarged, there are various problems. There are two ducts in this prostate gland. One is the urethra, and the other is the spermatic duct. When the prostate is enlarged, pressure is created on the urethra. The resulting problems are the symptoms of the disease.

In between-

  1. First comes the difficulty in urinating. For example, the patient sits to urinate but not immediately.
  2. There is a lot of pressure to urinate while urinating.
  3. Sudden stopping and restarting while urinating.
  4. Even after urinating, the urine seems not to clear.
  5. Dropping for a long time after urination.

These are problems that occur due to pressure on the urinary tract.

On the other hand, due to enlargement of the prostate and pressure on the urinary bladder, some problems are caused. They are-

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Urinary retention problem.
  3. Burning during urination.
  4. Blood in the urine.

Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate Infection:

  1. Burning or pain during urination.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Fever and chills.
  4. Body pain.
  5. Lower back pain.

Testes for Prostate Problems:

After seeing the early signs of prostate problems, some tests are done to make sure.

  1. Feeling with fingers: As the prostate gland is close to the anus, it is tried to understand whether the prostate is enlarged or not, whether there is an infection in the prostate, and whether there is cancer. This is done to test prostate problems.
  2. Ultrasonogram: Ultrasonography of the kidney, bladder, and prostate is done.
  3. Uroflowmetry is a test to measure the flow of urine.
  4. Urine is routinely tested.
  5. Urine cultures and sensitivities are done to check for urinary tract infections.
  6. Serum PHA is done to check for prostate cancer or other prostate problems.

All these tests can understand the overall condition of the prostate.

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Other Tests for Prostate Problems:

Besides, the subsequent tests depend on the physical complications of prostate enlargement. The diagnosis is made from the patient’s medical history and physical examination. Sometimes the symptoms of prostate problems are very similar to those of urethral narrowing. Then there is confusion during the diagnosis. Therefore, another test is done to diagnose prostate problems/diseases correctly. This is Urethrocystoscopy. That is endoscopy of the urinary tract.

Treatment of Enlarged Prostate Problems

Treatment Of Prostate Problems/Infections: Treatment depends on the severity of the problem in the patient. First, the symptoms of the disease are classified as low, moderate, and high. In this way, the severity is determined by determining the symptoms. In addition, the severity of the disease is determined based on the results of the tests, especially ultrasonography and uroflowmetry. If the severity of prostate problems or illness is less, treatment is possible without drugs. The treatments are-

  1.  Reduce water drinking.
  2.  Drink little water after the evening.
  3. Control the consumption of caffeinated foods such as coffee and alcohol.
  4. Finish dinner by eight o’clock.
  5. Treating constipation problems.

If the symptoms are moderate, then treatment is possible with drugs. There are some drugs that doctors give to solve this prostate problem. By taking these drugs according to the rules, it is possible to get relief from prostate problems. Then those whose issues are high. Those who have other problems due to enlarged prostates, such as stones in the urinary bladder, kidney swelling, infections, and bleeding. Such patients are advised to undergo surgery for prostate problems.

Operation Procedure to Cure Prostate Infection:

Usually, in the past, prostate surgery was done through a large incision in the lower abdomen. But now that is not done. Now the modern way is done by endoscopy. There are two operation methods in endoscopy. One is TURP. The other is HOLEP. The TURP method uses low voltage electricity. Although this method is less expensive, it is risky for the elders.

On the other hand, the HOLEP method is to cut the prostate with a laser. This operation is more convenient. Because it is done with a laser. Bleeding is less in laser operation. As a result of the operation, with the help of a laser, the pressure on the heart and brain is reduced. As a result, this method is more popular.

Diet to Solve Prostate Problems:

We will discuss the foods that should be taken to prevent prostate problems. Firstly, vegetables should be taken more in the diet. Especially cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli. All these vegetables contain various nutrients such as keratinase, flavonoids, vitamins C, E, K, and zinc. Which helps prevent prostate inflammation.

Secondly, eat seasonal fruits, especially fruits that are colorful. Eat the fruits in small pieces. Among these fruits, watermelon and tomatoes are delicious fruits. Tomatoes should be boiled instead of eaten like salad. The lycopene in tomatoes is easily absorbed by the body and prevents prostate cancer.

The third is garlic. Keep old garlic at home and eat it raw. It reduces prostatic growth. Current and bell syrup is also very beneficial for prostate problems. Finally, avoid overeating oily and spicy food. Use olive oil or pure coconut oil for cooking. Then it is possible to prevent prostate cancer and other complex diseases.


Many people ignore this disease. They think it may be a urinary tract infection; drinking more water will fix it. This idea is not correct. Many keep the matter down because of shame. The Men’s Health Society was established in the developed world. This organization does a lot of important work in creating awareness of men’s health. So we should be aware in advance to prevent this disease. And take necessary measures to solve this problem.