Bangladesh is a developing country. The capital city of Bangladesh is Dhaka. There are many students in this country go to city basically in Dhaka for their study. After going to Dhaka they want to do something besides study. That could be a job, business, or anything. But most of the students like to do part-time job. Dhaka city has many part-time jobs for students. So today we will know about the best part time jobs in Dhaka city for the students.
Also, we will know about part-time jobs Dhanmondi, part-time jobs for students, part-time jobs in Dhaka for female, shopping mall part-time job in Dhaka, part-time jobs in Dhaka Mirpur. Every student’s like to do part-time job besides studies for financial support.
Here in our website you will find SSC pass students part-time job, running honors students part-time job, 7 college students part-time jobs, university students part-time job, Dhanmondi part-time job, Banani and Gulshan, part-time job, Farmgate and Savar part-time job etc.
Part Time Jobs In Dhaka 2024 For Students
Before getting a part-time job you have to know that what are the qualities that the company need. Also you must know details about the post that you want to do work, what documents you need, how to application, what you need to mention in the CV etc. To know details about Part-time job keep reading our article.
Qualifications to Apply Part Time Jobs in Dhaka
If you want to do a part-time job you must have some qualifications. This qualifications are different for different companies. You have to know about eligibility criteria. At present there are huge part-time job in Dhaka city and other city. Also to know about eligibility criteria see in the official website of your chosen company.
- To application for part time job you must SSC pass or HSC pass.
- Honors 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year students can apply for this job.
- Graduate or post graduate students can also apply for part time job.
What Documents Do You Need?
- A good update CV (CV means= Curriculum Vita).
- Recently taken photo.
- Result sheet.
- Your Email ID.
- Your phone number.
How to Apply Part Time Jobs in Dhaka, Bangladesh
There is a big question to everyone that how to apply in this part-time jobs. Many are don’t know that how to apply in this part time job. So today we will know details about the application process of this part-time job:
- At first for applying in a part time job you will make a standard CV.
- After making CV, find the vacant company and drop your CV in the company that you like.
- In the job of trainers, drivers and delivery man the authority will take the oral interview otherwise you have to take a seat in written exam.
- You will place the CV in the post that you want to apply and look into the circular of that company.
Present Vacancies for Part Time Jobs Dhaka Bangladesh in 2024 via Bdjobs Online and Some Popular Websites
Here we will tell you details about various part-time jobs. You can select the job category that you like from Bdjobs and other popular website and complete application through online.
Check From Here:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question: Do you get a part time job after SSC or HSC pass?
Answer: Of course, you can.
Question: Do you work in a private company as part time job?
Answer: Yes.
Question: What documents are needed for application?
Answer: Result sheet, recently taken photo, CV or curriculum vita, email, phone number, etc.
Question: Do you apply online for the part time jobs?
Answer: Yes.
Last Words
Part time jobs are the best jobs for the students. In this article we talk about the part time jobs in Dhaka. If you interested to do a part time job then apply soon. We hope that you will able to know the importance of the part time jobs to read our article. If you want to know more jobs circular visit our website daily.